

Where possible, remember PEEP: Position, Expose, Elevate, Pressure

ALWAYS wear appropriate PPE with bodily fluid exposure risks!

Mild Bleeding

Minor bleeding will usually trickle or ooze, indirect pressure with simple dressings is usually appropriate.

Moderate Bleeding

Moderate bleeding will usually steadily pour, direct pressure and elevation will usually work, use of larger or more dressings may be appropriate. Check for signs of shock.

Severe Bleeding

Severe bleeding will squirt or heavily pour, this will prove life-threatening. Haemorrhage control adjuncts and dressings may be required. Patients are at greater risk of shock or cardiac arrest.

SOFTT Tourniquet/CAT Tourniquet Application

Russell Chest Seal Application

Trauma Bandage Application

ChitoGauze/Celox Gauze Application

If dressings or adjuncts are not available, use towels, clothing or your hands to apply direct pressure to wounds 

Ensure a 999 clinical resource is aware of any catastrophic bleeding, this is time-critical.